3 Things Arnold Taught Me - CoryG Fitness

#1 Think big

You must think big. Arnold has achieved so many remarkable things in his life, and he feels as if he can accomplish anything that he wants. He told me about when people said he had to be a congressman before he could be a Governor or Senator. He said, “Watch me do it.” He’s overcome so many odds in so many different circumstances, it’s just unreal to even fathom.

Arnold said that people said he couldn’t be an actor because of his accent. Once again he stunned everyone by turning his accent into one of his best assets. Even my Grandma knows some of Arnold’s one liners! When I would hang around at his events at his house, he would completely blow my mind. One thing he spoke of is how he turned his life into how it is today from a simple dream of wanting to be the best bodybuilder in the world.

His beliefs were so strong that it literally took him to the moon with his success.


#2 Deliver on the fly

Arnold called us on a Tuesday, saying “I want to launch a supplement line by this Friday at Muscle Beach, and oh yeah, I want a lot of people there, and for it to be really cool.”

Now, mind you that we had the line done and were waiting to launch, but when he says “Launch in 4 days.” Damn. He enjoyed challenging us often, to test and see if we could deliver. I do the same thing, and I learned it from the master himself. I want to see as Arnold did, to see if people can produce under pressure, and excel when it is needed. I truly believe that when you can find people that can deliver, that this is where you find your roll dogs, AKA The Homies.


#3 Have some dysfunction

Have some dysfunction with all of that discipline.

I was sitting on Arnold’s back porch at the event he was having at his house, when he said, “Cory, what are you training for as I am smoking a cigar and drinking scotch?” I told him that I had a cover coming up and a few powerlifting meets. He said, “Remember, it’s great to have some dysfunction with all that discipline.”

This is something that I haven’t forgotten, and it’s why I created Anabolic Fasting! Keep in mind, we all need some kick back time. I decided to make sure that everyone that is working so hard could kick back on Saturdays to slam some beers to reset the mind and body. It’s a mini celebration of what we do weekly, and it seems to work because some ice cream and beers have a way to refocus that brain after a mini-release.


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