3 Ways to Identify Weaknesses on Your 3 Major Lifts - CoryG Fitness

#1 Take video of your 3 main lifts

Taking video of your three lifts is essential to pushing the bar higher.

Technology has made this much more convenient and easy. All you have to do is pull out your iPhone and shoot a quick video. By doing this, you can work towards perfecting your form to become a better lifter.

Let’s say you are working up to a 1 Rep Max in the Squat, Deadlift or Bench Press. If you observe other lifters, and oftentimes yourself through video, you will see that form and technique will start to break down. The margin of error goes up as the weight goes up. By properly utilizing video, you can correct those faults that are holding your lifts back.


#2 Program and targeting

This is where the “one-size fits all” approach comes in. There isn’t a program out there that is one-size fits all, and it is important to understand that each person has a different body type, goals, etc.

For example, there are some people out there that have super strong lower backs. That’s great, but maybe you start to realize that you have weak hamstrings. By taking the individualized tailored approach, we can work on those specifically to make them not a weakness. The result: all your lifts increasing.

A powerful tool you can utilize is the notebook to track what exercises are working the best, sets/reps, and what you can improve on. This needs to be emphasized because everyone just wants a program. You need to become a student of the three lifts, and understand your own body and what you need to improve upon. It will not be the same for each person.

One of the best and cost effective ways to learn is through YouTube and the Internet in general. These resources alone are a fantastic starting off point. If you have the dough, you can invest in a seminar with someone that clearly knows what they are talking about in the world of weightlifting.

#3 Don’t do things that you’re good at all the time

Who wants to do the shit they aren’t good at? Not many. I can’t tell you how common it is for people to continue to do the lifts and exercises they are good at. What good is that going to do for you in the long-term? This is a very easy trap to fall into, so don’t fall victim to it.

You must do the stuff that you suck at. It’s going to put you in those positions that you are extremely uncomfortable being in, and make you a better overall lifter. Force yourself to do those things that you suck at that are going to make you a better lifter. This is something that I continually do because I’ve seen time and time again that it pays dividends.


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