3 Tips to Be a Stronger Human - CoryG Fitness

#1 – Squat daily

I have been lifting weights for almost 20 years, and I honestly can say that I never have felt as physically strong as I do squatting daily to a max weight using the conjugate system. I walk around feeling so much more powerful when I can handle big weight in the gym. Coming from a fitness model background, I never thought I would be able to climb under weights like I do today. At the beginning of my Squat Every Day journey, I too thought John Broz was crazy (he still is) when his protocol was squatting every day. Good thing I am too because I haven’t stopped making progress.

A body in motion stays in motion, and a body at rest stays at rest.


#2 – GPP & hard shit weekly

Walking lunges for time, sled drags and farmer carries are all exercises that will boost your conditioning. In turn, your work capacity will sky-rocket, as well as your strength. These movements mimic the blue-collar work that most of us don’t do anymore.

I stand by my statement that when I was a coal miner and lifting weights, I was the most “man strong” ever. The reason that farmers, coal miners, steel workers, etc. are fantastic lifters is because they do harder than normal shit all the time. If I were in your shoes, I would supplement your training 4-5x per week with this training after your weightlifting. As a result, you will be a leaner and strong athlete.


#3 – Practice bodyweight moves

One of the best forms of exercise is done simply with our own bodyweight. Push-ups, pull-ups, dips, handstand push-ups and muscle-ups are some examples of bodyweight movements. When you can complete these with ease you feel like a total boss. If you can’t do some or all of these, then start working with modified versions because the dividends these pay on your other lifts is invaluable.

Think about this: some of the best physiques and strongest guys on the planet are in prison. They have been locked up for years with no other options, so they work towards mastering their bodyweight. I believe that one of the keys to surviving is to be big and strong.

Being able to fully utilize your own bodyweight is a great feeling and will build your self-confidence.


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3 Replies to “3 Tips to Be a Stronger Human”

  1. Evan Gold

    Evan Gold

    Makes me feel ready for whatever the world may throw at me: Squatting daily (even if I miss), lunges daily, and 200 pushups and 200 rotator cuffs. First part of the day, making it through these challenges, what else could be more difficult throughout the day. Sure, some things blow up but I would definitely not be as confident or strong to handle the curveballs.

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