The Way I Feel - CoryG Fitness


I want to take the opportunity here to explain the way I feel how I feel, and why it has been this way for years. I am truly passionate about teaching people about training methodologies, as well as how to study every morning. The glaring reason for this in my mind is that I want you to feel like I do.

I have this feeling each day, and we all have the decision on whether to sharper our mind and body daily. I chose to refine my daily habits early on in life, but others start later.

It’s your choice.



For me, the non-negotiable part of the day is without question, the morning.

When you get into the habit of waking up early, it is almost like a drug. You will start to build a sort of confidence that is unmatched because you are putting in hours of invested time in yourself. Building the body you want will take time, and the mind is no different. I was completely hooked from the first time I touched a weight because of what it did for me as a young man. This continues to pay dividends even to the present day as well.



Another standout is when I read Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad. This book opened my mind to an entirely different way of thinking, and as time went on it helped gain confidence in my self-education. I’m a maniac because I want everyone to experience it first-hand, because when these actions are compounded over time, it will turn into greatness.

The work itself is not what does it, it’s the preparation. You will have few moments throughout your life where you will need the mental confidence in recognizing a proper situation where you need to deliver. If you can do this, you will crush it.


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