3 Things I Learned From Being 50 lbs. More Than I Should - CoryG Fitness

239 pounds…

Around 2008-2010 I was on a huge powerlifting kick which resulted in me ballooning to a ridiculous 239 lbs. Yes, I weighed 239 and my activities consisted of eating and lifting, without the regard to my body fat percentage. Looking back now, it was not the smartest move even though I did learn a lot at Westside. At a body weight of 181 lbs., I actually have hit better numbers than when I was heavier.


#1: Feeling unhealthy

When you are overweight and your body fat spirals out of control, you simply do not feel healthy.

I know a lot people get up every day of their lives to this feeling, and now they are used to feeling not well. I always say that if people could only understand how good you could really feel, they would never allow themselves to get to that low point. The problem is that people, just like I did, get used to being out of shape with both their mind and their body.

In 2009-2010 I committed myself fully to powerlifting. What I did not realize during the process was that I did not need to weigh 240 lbs. to put up impressive numbers. At the time, sacrificing my health for numbers made sense in my head because I didn’t know any better.

Looking back now over the years dedicated to strength, I realized and proved to myself that I can hit bigger numbers at 181 than at 240. My friend Tony Ramos said, “Big ain’t strong, strong is strong.” That statement rang true when I started squatting daily. Sure, when you are heavier the weights feel lighter, but it’s not worth the health risk in my opinion.

I have to say I am glad I went through the experience because it gave me the perspective of someone being 50 lbs. overweight. It showed me the process I had to go through, and helped me gained confidence outside of the gym. My business swag was not nearly as developed when I was 240. Confidence is essential in everything you do.


#2: Cellulite will go away

I thought people would think this point is interesting because I always have been in shape for the most part. At this point in my life I had what I call “cottage cheese” on my abs.

Men and women would both ask me if it would go away. My answer was yes, because if you keep your training and diet in check, the fat cells start to shrink down to the size of nothing when you don’t feed them. Another component, contrary to popular belief, is that fat cells do not grow on fat, they grow and expand on sugar and carbs at an excess. In December of 2010 I weighed in at 239 at my powerlifting meet, and the funny thing is I missed a 600 lb. deadlift that day wearing a power suit. I barely just missed a 600 lb. deadlift wearing just a belt weighing 181 lbs. this December.

The difference between these two weights is astounding, and it made me realize how impatient I had been. The reason why I ended up with cellulite on my abs is because I rushed it, and before I knew it, I wound up at 240 lbs. with cottage cheese abs. This forced me to reevaluate to set a new goal, and busting my ass to reach it. I believe in most cases there is a correlation between being overweight and self-confidence, and that’s why I think establishing a goal is the way to break through.


#3 Marketing

Abs are more marketable than big numbers in my world, but if you can have a healthy mix of both, then you really win.

That is exactly what I am trying to help every do at corygfitness.com. I want this feeling for everyone, and I want you to be the leanest and strongest of your life, regardless of age.

I knew if I could learn how to do this for myself and had some sort of balance of life along with it (Anabolic Fasting), then I could help and reach so many people beyond myself. What it comes down to is that I had a turning point in my life where I had learned so much immersing myself into the powerlifting world. I realized that it was time to find what I was looking for myself, and to make myself more marketable. I was searching and looking for the so called “holy grail,” on how to be strong and lean at the same time. It definitely took some time, but I truly believe I have found that formula through the process and trial and error.

I instantly discovered that I wanted to teach, and now it has led to helping change thousands of people worldwide. I don’t say this because I am bragging, I say this because that is the marketing. I live. I do it. I teach it. I show it. I know for a fact that when you hold yourself accountable to a higher standard, great things happen.


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One Reply to “3 Things I Learned From Being 50 lbs. More Than I Should”

  1. Avatar


    This one hit strong. I still can’t believe I weighed 60 lbs heavier at the beginning of the year and how “normal” it felt every day. It’s legit insane how much better you feel and how much your entire life improves when you finally take control of yourself and get your body fit. Not even just in the gym, legit every aspect of my life is better than it was 6 months ago. Best part.. works never done!

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