Breakfast. With. Arnold. - CoryG Fitness

**This is from a breakfast I had with Arnold back in the day

#1 The Powerlifting Meet

He told us a fantastic story about when he was in Austria competing in a powerlifting meet against one of his main competitors. His main rival beat him in the squat, but they tied in the bench. Naturally, Arnold said that he was going to out-deadlift him to take the win. They both started in the high 400’s. His competition hit a 510 lb. lift, so he followed at 510 and smoked the lift.

The funny thing is that they did not have enough weight for the next lift that Arnold called for, which was 585 lbs. He told them to drive to a gym that was 30-45 minutes away so he could take his last attempt. They finally loaded up the bar when they returned, and Arnold successfully completely the lift, while the other failed. Classic Arnold fashion.


#2 Business

We then spoke about business in general and how we have had some great partners over the years that have made millions of dollars. Another main point that he made was about how easy it is to read people. This is directly in regards to those that don’t really care about you, that do not listen, but love to talk. All they care about is the boost. That the style can be different, but appearance is key. I felt that I connected with him on these points, and I am appreciative to learn from someone so experienced.


#3 Training & Intensity

It all comes down to what we love to do. One of the main topics of discussion between us was about training and intensity. To talk shop about politics, TV, movies and the like is great and all, but nothing compares to talking about training with the GOAT.

Arnold knows that I can’t get enough of it, and I always want to learn to get better so I can make a further impact on the world. I am so blessed to have such a great figure as a friend, and I felt compelled to pass this on to you guys.


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