Procrastination & how to kill it - CoryG Fitness

What does procrastination do?

What does it do for you? I can tell you from personal experiences, as well as listening to others, that the result is not a positive one. Everyone procrastinates on things to some extent, no matter how driven or motivated you are. The key is to limit it as much as possible.


Understand what it does for you

Understanding what procrastination does to you is absolutely essential. It is the ultimate dream killer. I’ve seen it happen time and time again with friends, people in the fitness industry, etc. Have you had that friend or acquaintance that always tells you that they have all these ideas or goals, and then never takes action? If I had to venture I guess, I would say nearly everyone has someone they know that does this.

Procrastination is the cancer eating away at those goals or aspirations that you have set before you. It’s the path of least resistance that’s so easy and tempting for people to take. You must make the conscious decision to eliminate this from your life because it will wreck havoc on what you are trying to accomplish.

Write a daily list of the 3 things you don’t wanna do

We all have those things that we continually put on the back burner. “Oh, I’ll just do it tomorrow.” Before you realize it, an entire month or more has passed by, and those tasks are still not done. If you are regularly guilty of this, write down three things each day and commit to getting those done.

It’s the mundane tasks that you don’t want to do, but you just have to do it. Just fucking do it. You will be astounded by what you get done, and the results will get exponentially better. Point yourself in the right direction by checking these three items off.


Procrastination = Regret

Having the feeling of regret deep inside you is one of the worst feelings in my opinion. You don’t want to have the feeling that you settled for something less than you were capable of 50 years down the line, do you? When you put it this way, it may light a fire under your ass.

The last thing you want is to be laying on your deathbed wishing you had taken a chance on that business. You have one life to live, and you might as well take some chances and roll the dice a few times. Don’t be the person thinking woulda, coulda, shoulda. Start RIGHT NOW implementing these tactics to create the life you want for yourself.


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