I Love When People Don't Take Me Serious - CoryG Fitness

I absolutely love when people don’t take me seriously. It almost makes me laugh when I recognize it in a conversation. I think it’s my defense mechanism when I sense doubt, hate, or someone that’s completely unaware.


Don’t judge a book by its cover

I think the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” rings true in many situations. When I know or feel someone judging me, it wakes up something inside of me. Initially, I may feel upset. I may think, “This motherfucker doesn’t take me for real.” And then you start thinking, “Ooh, thank you. Thank you for not taking me seriously. Thank you for not understanding what I’m trying to do.”

I reframe the scenario entirely. Something that started negative is flipped on its head to something positive. Most people don’t understand or can’t grasp what you’re trying to do.


When hate is thrown your way…

Many times, when hate is thrown your way it means you’re onto something. You’re searching for ways to prove your concept. You’re looking for those individuals that understand and appreciate what you’re trying to accomplish.

What happens when someone shuts the door in your face? Do you give up? Does the person shutting the door understand the business you’re pitching? Does them saying no give you more fuel to prove them wrong or showcase what’s possible?


Everyone needs a chip

I don’t care what anyone says. Even the greats like Michael Jordan created chips because he knew that they worked to his advantage. Working to prove a concept changes the way you operate. It gives you a different level of fire. Jordan understood that about himself, going to the most extreme of levels.

It’s normal to have initial human reactions. It’s all about what you do after.

Are you going to continue on a negative trajectory, or are you going to flip it to something positive? You may even find yourself thanking that person that said no or doubted you. All they did was light a fire inside of you to create something amazing. I love proving people wrong. I’ve been proving people wrong my entire career.


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