Ready to Change? - CoryG Fitness

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Who This Article is For

This article goes out to all of you that are coming to the website that are fucking fed up, ready for a change, and are willing to do whatever it takes. This also could be for those of you that have been a member and need to refocus. Here’s what will change your life.

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#1 Start Your Day Uncomfortable

Now, I understand that some work schedules do not allow this, however, you can surely find your version of this that will make you better. For example, let’s say you work early. Fuck it, get up a little earlier and just lunge. Maybe hit the rest of the training later when you get more time. There has to be something that you can do for 20 minutes in the morning that will push the envelope.

Forcing yourself to do something difficult early in the morning is extremely important in order to achieve another level of focus. It has massively enhanced my ability to perform and achieve time and time again. The focus I achieve early on in the day is next level.

This doesn’t mean you have to get up at three or four in the morning. If you get up at six, why not get up at 5:30am to push yourself? If you do have a crazy schedule, find the version that works for you.

Once you fight through this, you feel invincible.

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#2 Make Time to Constantly Development Yourself

This must be a habit. Here’s how you start it.

For the next 21 days, force yourself to listen to something positive for 20-30 minutes. Use the time you spend in the car. During your lunges. It doesn’t matter, get it in.

You allocate this time for your mind. Most already don’t study in high school, and when they leave, they likely won’t study anything outside their craft. After they get their job, there’s rarely continuing education going on.

Dig deep and identify some things in your life that you can make better. If you do this for 21 days, it will create a habit. If you stick with this for 21 days, it truthfully will be life-changing.

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#3 Keep Your Insulin Stable Monday-Friday

What do I mean by insulin-stable? If you eat a non-sugar, lower carbohydrate diet, you’re less cloudy. When you’re less cloudy, you’re more focused. With your insulin in check, you won’t want to break your neck off at 3pm in your cubicle.

You feel like a new person. You’ll experience a new-found energy that is sustainable. You will be in the proper mind frame to be successful as a person. That’s why utilizing Anabolic Fasting 101 or 102 is of extreme importance.

Once you dial this in, everything starts to fall into place. You start to create some crazy momentum of feeling good. People get so used to feeling shitty, to the point that it becomes their norm.

When you hit the point of being fucking fed up with it, start to take this seriously. Go through the videos, take notes, and do whatever you need to do to create a better mindset for yourself.

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#4 Take Yourself Out of Negative Situations

By default, you take on many of the traits of the people you consistently hang out with. For example, if you are in a work environment where people are eating shitty all the time, start to disengage from them. Stop going out to lunch and happy hour, and instead focus your discipline on eating the right foods.

Implement more discipline on your life to make you feel better.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be nasty with them or that you don’t like them anymore, but it’s easy to lack discipline when the group is bringing you down.

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#5 Create a Journal

Buy yourself a Mead notebook that you can use to write thoughts, progress, weight and keep yourself accountable. Getting in the routine of recording your daily weight, thoughts, training, what you eat, and what you listen to is a great place to start. Write down those factors that will keep you in line.

Let’s say you get in the groove of writing these above items down for a few weeks. Then, you slip up. You grab your journal, flip back two weeks, and see that you were feeling awesome. Doing this allows you to see exactly what you were doing to feel that good to get back on track.

This awareness is extremely valuable. Knowledge is power. When you’re able to examine the processes you have in place, you can see what works and what doesn’t for yourself. That is the secret sauce. Once you know, see and experience it, you can always replicate it.

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#6 Positive Mental Attitude

It’s contagious. Staying in a positive headspace keeps you out of the gutter of pessimism. There’s two ways to live life. It’s not that you are putting your head in the sand, or that you aren’t wanting to deal with the fires as they come up.

You can view it as the glass half-full, or the glass half-empty. I’ve experienced both, and I can tell you that the glass half-full is a way better way to live your life. When you are looking at things this way, there is a smile on your face way more often. Life will be much more enjoyable.

When a negative thought attempts to infiltrate your mind, push it right back out with a positive one. Set up 3-5 positive, constructive things (music, memories, etc.) that can quickly flip you back into the mindset you are looking for. These are the things that make everything different.

If you dedicate yourself to these six items, I guarantee that they will increase your quality of life.


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