5 Reasons to Try Anabolic Fasting Part 2: No Calorie Counting - CoryG Fitness

It’s a Job

While calorie counting may be helpful, it also can feel like you’ve added another job to your daily routine.  Being concerned about tracking every single calorie you’re consuming – every single day – can be overwhelming to say the least.  You’re chained to a number.  Not a great feeling, is it?

I’m willing to wager that the vast majority of people don’t want to count every single calorie.  Personally, counting calories never was for me.  I felt like it was never a way to live.  I’ve tried it multiple times, but never for long periods of time because I hated the way it made me feel.

And that’s why I came up with the Anabolic Fasting guidelines.

How it Works

What you have to eat is 100% laid out – from A to Z – in my Anabolic Fasting 101 video.  Then, once you know what you have to eat, you eat until you’re full.  So, will you have lower calories on some days and higher calories on other days?  Yes, absolutely.  This is where your intuitive feeling of what you need comes into play.

Do you think our ancestors counted fucking calories?  No.  They ate in the same ranges of food that we’re talking about, and they ate until they were full or whatever was available.

A Freer Way to Live

In my opinion, Anabolic Fasting is a freer way to live.  And once you understand your body, it changes everything.  You’ll know when you need more, you’ll know when you need less.  You are your own science experiment.

Let me free you up.  Learn Anabolic Fasting.


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