Why Bands? - CoryG Fitness

Why not just use straight weight?

Using bands correctly creates a very different and interesting stimulus within the nervous system.

Think about it this way…. ever seen someone run with a parachute on? What happens when they take it off? They look & feel super-fast.

Band training is in the same vein.


Here’s what I know

At this point we squat most days in our crew, at five days per week. We run between 200-400 pounds of bands per week, plus bar weight, for our max effort variations.

I make sure the guys in the #4amcrew DO NOT touch a back squat without a band attached to it, for the entire training cycle. In addition, we train our front squats to a max effort on Fridays, without bands. I continue to see PR after PR, week after week.


When we go to a meet

It’s called supercompensation.

The body has the right amount of rest, more sodium and water in the muscle, and the nervous system hasn’t felt bar weight alone in weeks.

When you unrack 225, it feels like it jumps right off the rack because you are accustomed to feeling 200-400 pounds of tension on top of the weight. As soon as I felt this difference, I was like OH SHIT.


The right combo

I saw a direct correlation between our front squat numbers against bands, and our deadlift strength. Training in this manner greatly strengthened our bracing, core, and lower back. Even better, we gained speed out of the bottom on a squat and off the ground with our deadlifts.

They are unquestionably linked.

I saw #4amcrew member Zach Matheny front squat 440-460, then went on to pull 650 pounds in a meet at 198. And the bar looked empty! He then went out and pulled 640 pounds at 181. If he wants to have a shot at 700 pounds, he’s going to have to hit a front squat of 500+ pounds. We just know it.


Learn how to move FAST

We have learned how to move fast.

What I love about bands, whether it’s squat, bench or deadlift, is that you have to BRING IT. Especially on deadlift. If you don’t pull aggressively, you’ll get bent the fuck over. I think it also teaches you how to strain and be aggressive with weight, which is what many must learn.

Bands have completely revolutionized our training. Both in strength and intensity. I originally learned the basics of band training when I went to Westside Barbell on dynamic days. They didn’t do a lot of max effort work with bands at that time, but I learned how to use them for speed and how to box squat.

I’ll show you how to set them up below.


The band system

This system is completely unique to me. I have NEVER seen it done this way before. Between Dick Hartzell (started Jump Stretch) and Louie Simmons throwing them on the bar, training was revolutionized.

I have come up with my own version of band training and have proven results to back it up across multiple weight classes. If you are trying to take your strength gains to an entirely different level, then band training is for you.


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