Maintaining Weight - CoryG Fitness

Why does our body weight fluctuate?

Many of you out there fluctuate dramatically with your body weight. Why is this? Did you diet for a bodybuilding show or cut weight for a powerlifting meet? Many people out there work towards a goal, and when they finally achieve it, they go off the rails.

But with Anabolic Fasting…

You’re better equipped to stay on the rails. Why? Because it’s a LIFESTYLE. AF isn’t an eight-week gimmick or fad, but rather a diet for the long-term that we can count on to consistently hit our goals.

First, you need to establish a body weight that you want to reach. Once you hit this weight, you shift your focus to maintenance.


We’re all different

Body weight and fat maintenance are going to be individualized because we all have different body types, and we react to foods differently. Once you get to your desired weight, your body will have to adapt to working efficiently at this weight. For example, if you started at 220, and your goal is 180 lbs., your body will require an adjustment period to normalize.


Be your own science experiment

Fine tuning will come into play as well with Anabolic Fasting. You will need to experiment to see what foods react the best with your body, as well as what works best for performance versus physique.

One thing you need to understand is that you aren’t going to feel as “crisp” or “tight” every single day, and that’s okay. If I’m leading up to a magazine shoot, I’ll be more strict, but if not, then I’ll stay within the Anabolic Fasting guidelines, with more leniency.


Experience unparalleled flexibility

In addition, one of the best things about this diet is the flexibility. I had beer twice last weekend, plus ice cream. By throwing in these cheat meals, we give ourselves an opportunity to mentally reset. Try it out today, and do yourself a favor!


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