No Cravings, Just Results - CoryG Fitness

Say Goodbye to Cravings ✌️

Experience Minimal Cravings on the AF Lifestye…

We’ve all been there – it’s late at night, you’re tired, and those cravings hit hard.

The cupboards start calling your name, the fast food drive-thru seems irresistible, or DoorDash looks like the easiest option.

Cravings can ruin even the best diet plans. But with Anabolic Fasting, they’re practically nonexistent.

#2 Little to No Cravings

Cravings are diet killers, plain & simple.

You know the struggle – you’ve had a long day, you’re trying to unwind, and suddenly, all you can think about is that bag of chips in the pantry or a quick trip to the nearest fast food joint.

But with Anabolic Fasting, cravings are minimal.

The only time you might crave something is if you didn’t eat enough of the outlined foods. Stick to the plan, and cravings become a thing of the past.

It’s just like a train getting up to speed… it takes a minute to work up momentum (your metabolism), and if you keep throwing crap in front of it (unhealthy food), then your progress will stall or be nonexistent!

Imagine not having to fight the urge to raid the fridge at midnight or resist the temptation to order takeout. No more late-night snacking sessions, no more giving in to fast food cravings, and no more feeling guilty about what you ate.


When you follow the AF guidelines, your body actually gets the nutrients it needs, which means you reduce the desire to snack or binge with unhealthy foods. By eating the right foods in the right amounts, you stay full and content throughout the day and night.

It’s that simple.


Where to Find It

✔️ Homepage of the CoryG Fitness app
✔️ Main menu (top left) of the CoryG app
✔️ Website: Under Diet Plans



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