2nd Place // Mason Upton // #IWANTABZ 2024 - CoryG Fitness

*80 Day #IWANTABZ*


Mason Upton

Down 38 pounds!

“I know that if this contest was judged by how much effort was given, then I would definitely take the top spot. I utilized all the tools available and was able to change my body from being at the highest weight and worst shape ever to the strongest I have ever been.

I’m still a work in progress but I used the Busy Diet and AF 101 to help lose the excess pounds I had during this contest. I utilized Get Stacked, First Responder and Pump:30 workouts to constantly push myself. I’ve got a new streak of 800 meters lunging, where the first week it took me almost 30 minutes to complete, to now hitting sub 15 minutes. I’m just hoping to inspire one person that thinks they are in a spot where they can’t get better and show them that there is a way as long as you put the effort in.”

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