3 Takeaways from Mark Bell - CoryG Fitness

Follow Mark Bell

#1 Level headed & focused

Mark Bell doesn’t get too excited, but also doesn’t get down too much. He’s a level-headed, middle-of-the-road businessman and lifter that is extremely focused on what he’s doing.

He has figured out how to effectively keep his stress levels down, and he knows how to delegate and handle his businesses at a high level. His mild manner and mood are two things to take notes on.


#2 Caring & helpful

Mark as a whole is a caring and helpful person that truly believes that he is blessed to be in the position that he’s in. He’s always trying to help someone out, whether it’s spreading the word about his brother that passed away or propping up his older brother Chris that produced Bigger, Faster, Stronger.

You can definitely tell that he takes pride in his family and where he has come from, and through their experiences, he’s trying to help others that may be struggling with something similar.

What was also obvious to me was how he wants everyone to succeed. I think we are similar in this way because I truly feel the same way about the guys around me. Whether it’s being more confident, doing better in their job, etc. he does whatever he can to help them get there.


#3 We have so much in common

Sure, we don’t agree on every single subject, but I’m astounded on how much we do have in common. Family, a supportive wife that we’ve had for a long time, the business industry that we are in, the love for powerlifting, experimenting with different diet protocols, and more. The list goes on and on.



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