What happens when you hit a plateau? What happens when you have that feeling that something isn’t moving in the right direction? It doesn’t matter if it’s in the gym or in life. You must look at the whole body of work to identify what is truly going on. By taking a look at the big picture, you can detect where you are lacking.
Ask yourself, “Can I insert more discipline somewhere to get to the next level?” When most people come to me saying that they have plateaued it is because their conditioning is lacking. When most people come to me because they’ve plateaued it is because their preparation and/or diet is lacking. When most people come to me because they’ve plateaued it is because they are missing workouts. When most people come to me because they’ve plateaued it is because their supplementation regimen is out of whack. Very rarely is someone coming to me saying that they have plateaued and they are doing everything right.
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If you are sitting there and have a defined plan that you are following: your preparation/diet, conditioning and supplementation are all on point, I would advise for you to take a step back to analyze what you are doing. Very rarely is everything firing on all cylinders and you aren’t progressing forward.
I challenge you to identify where you can insert more discipline to get the result that you want. How can you move it up one notch to get the results that you are after? Once people can take a hard look at that, they usually can find the answer.