It’s that time of year again!! Spring is almost here and I know I always feel like after the holidays I am ready to get back into swimsuit ready shape!! This 4week trainer will help you reach whatever fitness goals you have! The two weeks worth of workouts are meant to be doubled into 4weeks. So once you finish the two weeks, go back to the beginning and do it again…. simple!
Since my goal is to get into swimsuit ready shape, I will be doing this 4week trainer along with some other key factors:
- ANABOLIC FASTING: If you haven’t tried it, you definitely should! This diet has really become a lifestyle for me and most importantly it has allowed me to feel good, look good, AND not feel like I’m suffering!! This is the diet I eat EVERY DAY. It has allowed me to maintain the look I want and be sane while doing it! As a mom, I do not want to be moody from “dieting” or feel run down. For me it’s just not worth it. I want to eat good, healthy food, feel good about myself, wear a bikini at the beach, and NOT be snapping my kids heads off!! For me it’s how I found a balance between looking “fit” but not suffering to do it! SOUNDS GREAT… Right??? HOWEVER, You have to be CONSISTENT!! If you are getting ready for vacation or some event you want to look great for, you have to stick to the diet exactly! This can be hard sometimes… especially with so many temptations. STAY FOCUSED on the end goal!! OR stay focused on the CHEAT MEAL you get to eat on SATURDAYS!! Cory outlines the AF diet in this website in detail but here are some key points:
- I follow Cory’s Anabolic Fasting Diet with a couple things added… like the KIND Bar and no sugar popsicles.
- You can find informational videos on the Anabolic Fasting diet under the Diet Plans Tab or Videos Tab, click on Anabolic Fasting
- This is a fasting diet… NO eating before lunch (sometime between 11;30-1)
- After fasting window, you will have lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Lunch and dinner consists of a protein (I tend to stick to a lower fat meat like turkey or chicken, but I also do beef), vegetables, and a fat.
- Portion size for meat is around 6-8 oz
- You can eat as many veggies as you’d like with your meals
- Fat choice for meals is: 1-2 handfuls of unsalted almonds or 1/2 Avocado
- You may have, if YOU CHOOSE, 2 cups of PLAIN coffee/tea per day
- You may also have, if YOU CHOOSE, 1 NO SUGAR popsicle
- For your afternoon snack YOU CAN CHOOSE one of the following: KIND bar (I eat the Dark Chocolate Nuts and Sea Salt) or a Protein Shake/Bar (WATCH THE SUGAR CONTENT!! Should be under 200 calories and 5 grams of sugar… protein bars can be VERY sneaky!)
- Your last snack before bed should be a banana with peanut butter… YUM!
- Saturdays you get to eat what you want for dinner until bedtime!!
- I would recommend at least using Max Effort Muscle’s PreWorkout about 15 min before your workout. Start with 1/2 scoop and move up from there. I use 3/4 scoop. Max Effort also has a fat burner and post workout that work well.
- I would recommend completing workouts during your fasting time frame (before your lunch) if possible. The workouts are all under 1 hour, with most being about 45 min.
- WATER!!– It’s VERY important in keeping you hydrated, looking good, feeling good, and it helps get you through your fasting time frame by helping you to feel full! Get in ¾-1 gallon of water EVERY DAY! I fill a jug every morning and that way I can make sure I get my water in. This does cause frequent bathroom visits ;)… but it’s worth it! I try and get most of it down by dinner time, well before bedtime:)
- AD-ONS!- I have targeted ‘AD-ON’ exercises that can be performed nightly or every other night to help speed up development in that specific area. I am looking to get my abs more defined so I will be doing the AB AD-ONS every night in addition to my regular workouts. I have them for butt, legs, abs, cardio, and arms! Pick one that works for you!
4. I DO NOT WEIGH MYSELF! I quit doing that a while ago because I would get so caught up on the number on the scale. I was feeling great, looking tone, looking good in my clothes but then I’d step on the scale and I would have not lost any weight! Then I would be discouraged!! I was having the RESULTS I WANTED but I would forget them all because my weight was not dropping. And isn’t the whole point of eating a healthy diet to look and feel good?! Why do we focus so much on the number on the scale?? I have actually GAINED weight over the years but I feel the most fit I ever have! The NUMBER on the scale is just a NUMBER! HOW YOU FEEL AND LOOK IS WHAT MATTERS!! AND MUSCLE WEIGHS more than FAT!! If you want to look tone, then you have to gain some muscle!
5. BANDS!!– I love them…and I use them in some of these workouts. I would recommend buying some before you begin. Here is what you need: *2 red mini bands…one of them you will cut, and a ‘Sling Shot’ Hip Circle band (a thicker band that can go around your legs). The red mini bands can be purchased through I actually cut one of them and tied the two ends to form circles at the bottom that I can put my legs through. The Sling Shot band can be found online through Rogue. See Pics Below! *
***THESE WORKOUTS ARE CHALLENGING! Any workout you do should challenge you or else you won’t change!! So PUSH YOURSELF!! I don’t want to spend a bunch of my time working out so I pack as much as I can into a 30-60 min time period. Do your best to FINISH each workout. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF MORE THAN YOU THINK!!***