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For years and years, I have developed a strategic plan based around my fitness and business life.  Vacations and traveling may occasionally throw off planning, causing a dip in discipline, unless it’s intentional.  If this happens, I gain perspective into what leaving things to chance looks like.

Lack of Preparation & What Happens:

“I know I need to get something for lunch, but there’ll be something around there I can grab.”  That’s never going to work.

“I didn’t feel like getting up to do a workout this morning.  Pretty sure I can get it in tonight, as long as I get out of the meeting in time.  Not gonna work.

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“I know I said I wouldn’t drink alcohol during the week, but this one extra glass of wine or beer isn’t going to hurt me.  Nope.

Discipline lacks sometimes when I’m on vacation or traveling.  This lack of discipline cannot occur on a regular basis, but for many people it does.  Even though it may seem slight, I need to point this out because it’s leaving things to chance.

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How to NOT Leave Things to Chance

I have a pre-made meal, prepared something I’m going to take, I’ve researched a close by Whole Foods, or I’ve researched a local restaurant that has what I need.

I’m not going to procrastinate even though alcohol from the previous day can suck the motivation out of the current day.  I will get up because I never want to miss workouts.  If I miss workouts or don’t plan my food, I’m one day further away from my goal, not closer.

It’s this simple.  Preparation = Success.  Quit Leaving Things to Chance.  When you do, you lose.

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Stay on the rails this year!

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