Raising a family is no excuse to get soft.Sure, you’re now in charge of shuffling your kid to soccer practice and making sure his homework gets done each night, but there’s also one more responsibility you just can’t shirk—and that’s to keep your body healthy and strong for years to come.

Yes, you’re a dad, but you don’t need to default into the dad bod—or, at least the soft and shlubby image that term brings to mind. That’s why we’re taking that label and molding it into version 2.0.

We’ve partnered with trainer Cory Gregory to bring you a cutting-edge, four-week program with five workouts that will help you completely reshape your body. By using a time-based circuit format—allowing you to focus more on quality reps rather than sloppily pumping out a set number—you’ll build loads of lean muscle and burn off the fat that’s covering it. You don’t need to hit the gym for it, either.

So clear off some floor space and get ready to sweat. The road to your new, chiseled body starts here—welcome to Dad Bod: Redefined.