Pushing Through When It’s HARD.
The days that test you are the ones that matter.
Some days, it’s freezing, raining, and uncomfortable—and those are the days that matter most. Today was one of those days.
It’s the kind of day where comfort would be the easy choice, but that’s exactly why I’m out here putting in the work.
You don’t push for progress only when it’s sunny. It’s the days when you’re sore AF and it’s raining matter.
What are you gonna do?
I spent years in the dark. Going into the coal mine when it was dark, coming out in the dark. Dreaming in the dark.
I went from waking up and working in the coal mines to standing beside my idol, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Then, ten years later, I looked up, and I’m standing on my own island. I’m still working with that “Pack a Lunch” mentality I learned in the coal mine.
You’re owed nothing. You’re entitled to nothing.
You have to show up when things are inconvenient and put in the hard work. Eventually, you’ll see it was all worth it.
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Doug Bopst’s The Adversity Advantage Podcast w/ Cory Gregory
Today on the show we discuss: how to develop an unbreakable mindset, why your goals must be black and white in life, how to build momentum and dominate long term, how to eat and workout to build muscle and burn fat, how to effectively make progress with your health transformation, the dark side of being too lean and much more.